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Location: Atlantic Beach, Florida, United States

I like the game of golf and shooting guns at a local range. I want to work as a golf pro when I retire.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Golf training Aids Information And More

Golf Article Of The Month

Golf Beginner Guide
The Golf Beginner Guide is an eBook filled with info for the beginning golfer. Get it today!

For The Beginner - Cast Iron Golf Clubs Or Forged?

By: Lee MacRae

Are you looking to buy new golf clubs? Finding it difficult to determine what will work the best for you? Newcomers especially can become bewildered by the large variety of golf clubs you see when you are looking to buy.

Read along as we discuss the types available and what they each can do for your game of golf.

To begin with, it should be noted that ordinary, everyday golf clubs will work for virtually anybody standing between 5 feet and six feet tall. And that holds equally for males and females. There are enough standard clubs on the market that you should be able to find ones to suit the rest of your needs in a golf club.

If you are outside the heights for standard clubs, then you may want to look at getting custom clubs made just for you.

Will that be cast iron or forged?

For most golfers, the standard cast iron clubs are the proper way to go.

And there is a reason for that. Because of the bigger "sweet spot" we tend to find on clubs made with cast iron. That term refers to the area in the middle of the face of the club head where the ball should be struck for maximum distance and accuracy. The larger the "sweet spot" on a club face, the more area you have to strike the ball well. You can still be a little "off center" and the ball is still struck well because you have a larger margin of error. You can see why beginners are usually told to stay with cast iron clubs Until their swing plane is more developed, they will have an easier time striking the ball on a consistant basis with the cast iron club. That is why you see a lot of oversized club heads on the market today. They allow average duffers the opportunity of striking the ball well and getting great drives more often.

With forged iron clubs you have the exact opposite. A smaller sweet spot that makes your drives that much harder to hit well.

So why are forged clubs even sold?

Because the "softer" forged metal gives the golfer a better feel than the harder cast iron does. The more experienced golfers can use this feel to great advantage, shaping their shots, even curving them intentionally when the circumstances require it. So, in effect, they trade off the larger sweet spot for the shot shaping feel of a forged iron club.

Next question, will you use steel or a composite material for the shaft of your new club?

The crucial touchstone here is club head speed. An ordinary duffer on the links will have a club head speed in the range of 80-94 mph. Generating lower speeds typically implies you should use a shaft of composite material . The result of lower swing speed is less yardage on each shot. You want to find some way to offset your lower swing speed. And that is where the composite golf club shaft enters the picture. It gives you a lot more distance than you would get with your normal swing and a steel shaft.

For golfers with faster swing speeds, you don't necessarily need more distance. What you really want is more control. A steel tube shaft will give you that control to go along with your acceptable distance.

You can find out your own swing speed by looking for a golf store that has a velocity speed gun or a radar gun package. It won't cost you much and you will know very quickly which type of shaft is best for you. You can even find some battery operated doppler radar devices on the market that you can set up and use to determine your club velocity by yourself.

With only these few starting tips, it is typically best if you rent a few different sets of clubs as you play and take note of how each club serves or handicaps your game. You are looking to ascertain your own strengths as well as weaknesses. Check out the assorted types and varieties of golf clubs you may find in a rental shop, for example, and discover what works best for you.

These simple golf driving tips have proved effective in helping many golfers around the world improve their drives off the tee. Simply apply what you have read here to your own circumstances. Here's to your own improvement!

Get the perfect golf grip and improve your golf game!

Thoughts On Golf

While all golfers continue to look for that secret that will perfect their swing,. it is wishful thinking that they will find it because their is no secret to swinging the golf club. Even with the best of players no two swings are alike. What works for one player doesn't necessarily work for another. There are no two swings alike - similar, but not alike.
...Tom's golf tips

We do play our serious golf during the serious-golf-season from spring to early fall, and during late fall and winter we should relax and play for the fun of it - particularly since we only get to play once every so often. Once the warm days of spring come back we get serious again�
...PGA Tour

Golf Sounds Like a Great Idea
Too many would be golfers, particularly youngsters - head off to the local municipal course, hire a basic set of clubs and start hitting off the tee with no idea of how to hold the club, never mind striking the ball correctly. Even worse, there are those who limit practice to trying their hand in the local park - this is a dangerous and in many cases forbidden activity. The existence of the shouted warning "fore" on a course to indicate a ball in flight that may be close to other golfers is not simply for effect. A golf ball struck with force is a potentially lethal projectile and should never be used without regard for either safety or surroundings.
...mastering golf UK

To develop the best possible grip for you. Every golfer swings and grips the club differently. Over 90 percent of golfers use the Vardon or overlapping grip. Players with smaller hands sometimes find the interlocking grip, with the little finger of the right hand interlocked with the index finger of the left hand, works best for them. Players with smaller should use a baseball type grip.
...Golf Instruction Guide

Assuming the texture of the sand is similar, and the ball is not plugged, the technique for hitting out of a greenside bunker remains the same for shots up to 30 yards (27m). The key to making this shot is hitting the sand about 1 to 2 inches behind the ball, throwing the sand forward with the ball. For longer shots the only thing that changes is the swing's length. Rhythm and tempo remain the same.
...PGA Tour

Headline News About Golf

Improve Your Golf Posture and Balance with the LPGA’s Minea Blomqvist on the Next ''Golf Fitness Academy presented by Titleist''

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Mon, 21 Apr 2008 05:15:00 EDT
HILTON HEAD ISLAND, S.C. -- Is golf the most fickle game of all? Of course. Meet Exhibit A: Rocco Mediate, 45. He went from Masters contender two years ago to just another Masters television viewer this year.

Learn How to Train Like a TOUR Player on Golf Fitness Academy

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